jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

The Plants

           Classroom: Abejitas

Blog Title: The Plants

Weekly Feature Theme: The trees

Week: April 17th, 2017 to April 21st, 2017

What we are learning?

Dear Parents,

We hope you are having a beautiful week. This month our theme is “The Plants”. This coming week we will learn everything about the trees. We have scheduled learning activities related to this theme to continue strengthening gross and fine motor skills, language and socio-emotional skills. Children will continue exploring and discovering all about the wonderful world of plants through flashcards. They will also move to the rhythm of music while listening to stories about nature. 

Thank you for letting us play such an important role in your child’s life and we hope you have a great weekend.
Miss Luisa 

Materials for Weekly Activities ·        Bring family pictures if you have not already done it.
·   Bring a plant or seeds for our school garden. Please check the posted list outside our classroom door. 


            Holidays & Upcoming Events

·        International Fiesta on April 19th, 2017.
·        Week of the Young Child from April 23rd to 29th, 2017.
·        Teacher Appreciation Week from May 1st to May 5th, 2017.
·        Mother's Day Celebration on May 12th, 2017.


Happy Birthday to Arden Lunsford and Koen Campbell who are celebrating their birthday on 04/22 and 04/25 respectively. We wish you the best and hope you have a wonderful birthday!

       Friendly Reminders

·    Wash your hands and your child’s hands when entering your child’s classroom.
·    Make sure to wear shoe covers when entering classroom to drop your child.
·   Knock before entering the classroom to make sure there is no one behind the door
·     Read, review and fill out your child’s journal with information for the teacher.
·   Label all your child’s clothing and items and make sure that your child has extra set of clothing that is appropriate to weather in his/her cubby.
·    Make sure to remove clothing from the cubby and just leave one set of clothing.
·     Always store pacifiers in their packages.
·    Make sure to fill out an administration or authorization form specifying when bug spray, diaper cream and any other ointment should be applied and be sure to supply and label the items with your child's name and place them in a Ziploc bag.
·     Bring diapers, wipes and rash ointment and label them with your child’s name when requested or needed.
·    Label all bottles and food that you bring to preschool for your child with your child’s name and the date it was prepared.
·      Inform the teacher if there has been a change in your child’s feeding schedule.
·     Do not bring your child to school if the child has a fever of over 101F or any contagious conditions.

        Star Words of the Week

 ·        The tree - El árbol

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