viernes, 27 de enero de 2017

Green Earth

Classroom: Abejitas
Blog Title: Green Earth
Weekly Featured Theme: Care of Nature
Week: January 30th to February 3rd, 2017

🔠 What are we learning?

Dear Abejitas Parents,

Happy New Year!

Our there for this week is Green Earth. We will explore the great outdoors and describe what we hear, see, and smell all around us. Getting to know the great planet where we will and our environment. We have scheduled exciting and fun learning activities to continue working on strengthening motor, language, sensorial and cognitive.

      Motor Skills: We will do different exercises and give corporal massages to keep stimulating fine and gross motor skills.
      Language Skills: We will make gestures while listening to songs and poems.
      Cognitive/Sensorial Skills: The children will have the opportunity to explore nature through discovering leaves and tiny rocks that will be placed in a sensory basket.

Thank you for letting us play such an important role in your child’s life and we hope you have a great weekend. Have a great weekend and stay warm!

Best Regards,

Mrs. Luisa Williams

📄 Materials for Special Projects

·         Bring a family picture if you have not brought one yet.
·         Bring any recycled bottles such as Voss bottles and Ice Juice bottles.

🔆 Friendly Reminders

·         Wear shoe covers and wash your hands and your child hands when entering your child’s classroom.
·         Knock before entering the classroom to make sure there is no one behind the door
·         Wash your hands and your child’s hands once you enter the classroom.
·         Always make sure that your child has extra set of clothing that is appropriate to weather in his/her cubby and label it with your child’s name
·         Bring diapers, wipes and rash ointment and label them with your child’s name.
·         Bring your child’s bottles labeled with your child’s name and date.
·         Read, review and fill out your child’s journal with information for the teacher and make sure to add last change of diaper and time of your child’s last meal.

📆 Holidays & Upcoming Events

      Science Fair from February 20th to February 24th, 2017.

Star Words of the Week

·         The sun - El sol

🎵 Songs of the Week

Si los copos de nieve
fueran leche malteada
me encantaría estar ahí
abriendo la boca
para saborear

si los copos de nieve
fueran leche malteada
me encantaría estar ahí
si los rayos de sol
fueran helado de chocolate
me encantaría estar ahí
abriendo la boca para saborear

si los rayos de sol
fueran helado de chocolate
me encantaría estar ahí.

si las gotas de lluvia
fueran de caramelo
abriendo la boca
para saborear

📚 Poems

El sol tiene frío
No quiere salir
Oculto entre las nubes
Se ha puesto a dormir

Sal solcito por favor
Mama nube déjalo salir
Que tengo frío y quiero jugar 

Con mis amigos en el jardín

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