jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2016

Travel and communication in my city


Classroom: Abejitas
Blog Title: Travel and communication in my city
Weekly Featured Theme: Means of transportation
Week: January 2nd to January 6th, 2017

馃敔 What are we learning?

Dear Abejitas Parents,

Happy New Year!

This week we will learn about means of transportation in our city. We have scheduled exciting and fun learning activities that will help to strengthen motor, language and cognitive/sensorial skills. Children will listen to the different sounds of the means of transportation and also will plan with sensory bottles. We will also work together on a penguin footprint project while we talk about the colder weather and of course, the SNOW!

Thank you for letting us play such an important role in your child’s life and we hope you have a great weekend. Have a great weekend and stay warm!

Best Regards,

Mrs. Luisa Williams.

馃搫 Materials for Special Projects

·         Bring seasoning containers cleaned with tops included if you have some that you can donate.
·         Bring containers like small water bottles, Voss or juice bottles that we can use as sensory bottles.

馃攩 Friendly Reminders

·         Wear shoe covers and wash your hands and your child hands when entering your child’s classroom.
·         Knock before entering the classroom to make sure there is no one behind the door
·         Wash your hands and your child’s hands once you enter the classroom.
·         Always make sure that your child has extra set of clothing that is appropriate to weather in his/her cubby and label it with your child’s name
·         Bring diapers, wipes and rash ointment and label them with your child’s name.
·         Bring your child’s bottles labeled with your child’s name and date.
·         Read, review and fill out your child’s journal with information for the teacher and make sure to add last change of diaper and time of your child’s last meal.

馃搯 Holidays & Upcoming Events

      School will be closed on January 2nd, 2017 and on January 16th, 2017 (Martin Luther King Day).
      Art Fair will take place from January 9th through January 13th, 2017.

Star Words of the Week

·         The truck - El cami贸n.

馃幍 Songs of the Week - A volar

Vamos volando en un avi贸n
Y al ver por la ventana vemos las nubes pasar
Volando en un avi贸n

A una enorme altura nos vamos a pasear
Desde mi ventana las alas puedo ver
Y  all谩 abajo otras cosas tambi茅n.
Los autos y edificios muy peque帽os son
Y me hacen sentir que muy alto estoy.

Es muy divertido un avi贸n pilotear
Y cuando sea mayor eso voy a estudiar
Por ahora me conformo con solo jugar
A salvo de tormentas que me puedan da帽ar.

馃摎 Poems

Poem 1
Son muchos los medios de locomoci贸n
Los hay terrestres
Como el cami贸n
Otros son acu谩ticos
Como el gran vapor
Y de los a茅reos
El mayor de todos
Es el avi贸n

Poem 2
Quiero un barco de colores
Un avi贸n para volar
Una moto de carreras
Y un gran autocar
Para ir con mis amigos
Por el cielo y por el mar
Y por la tierra redondita
Muchas vueltas dar.

Poem 3

El mundo de colores
Quiero pintar
Azul el cielo
Roja la flor
Amarillo el sol
Y verde la flor

馃摎 Riddles

Va por el cielo
Como ventarr贸n
Lleva pasajeros
Y anda a motor
El avi贸n

Tiene motor, cuatro ruedas
Ventanillas sin cortinas
Un tim贸n negro y tambi茅n una bocina

El carro

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