viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2016

All about me

Classroom: Abejitas
Blog Title: All about me
Week:  September 5th to September 9th, 2016
Weekly Featured Theme: My Body and Functions

🔠 What are we learning?

Dear Abejitas Parents,

This week we will continue learning about the human body and its functions. We have scheduled exciting learning activities related to this theme that will allow us also to continue strengthening fine and gross motor, cognitive-sensory and language skills.

We will play with the baby dolls, sing songs about the body, touch blue colored water and will make an art project for our babies. Children will also get hands and feet massage.

We will be also celebrating Grandparents on September 9th. It will be a fun week full of learning activities!

Thank you for letting us play such an important role in your child’s life.

Best Regards,

Miss Eliana & Miss Reyna

📄 Materials for Special Projects

  • Bring construction paper, wooden sticks and pictures of your child.

🔆 Friendly Reminders

  • Wear shoe covers and wash your hands and your child hands when entering your child’s classroom.
  • Knock before entering the classroom to make sure there is no one behind the door
  • Wash your hands and your child’s hands once you enter the classroom.
  • Read, review and fill out your child’s journal with information for the teacher.
  • Label all your child’s clothing and items.
  • Always make sure that your child has extra set of clothing that is appropriate to weather in his/her cubby.
  • Bring diapers, wipes and rash ointment and label them with your child’s name.
  • Bring your child’s bottles labeled with your child’s name and date.
  • Check your child’s journal and make sure to add last change of diaper and time of your child’s last meal.

📆 Holidays & Upcoming Events

  • Labor Day on Monday, September 5th. School will be closed.
  • International Reading Day on Thursday, September 8th.
  • Grandparents Day on Friday, September 9th.

Star Words of the Week

  • The face - La cara
🎵 Songs of the Week

Las partes de mi cuerpo hoy yo voy a cantar,
Bailando con mis amigos,
Cada parte moverás.
Empiezo con mis bracitos
Con los que puedo abrazar, con mucho amor a papito
Y luego a mi mama.
Moviendo la cabeza yo digo sí o no.
Moviendo mi colita bailando yo estoy.

Ya todos preparados pues vamos aprender:
Las partes del cuerpo que tú vas a mover. (bis)
Piernas y cabeza.
Pies, brazos, cuello y cadera.
Hombros, manos y rodillas.
Pies, brazos y piernas. (bis)

📚 Poems, Riddles and Tongue Twisters


Dos ojitos para mirar
Dos orejitas para escuchar
Una naricita para oler
Y una boquita que les gusta comer.


Saco mi manito
La hago bailar
La cierro la abro
La vuelvo a guardar
Saco otra manito
a hago bailar
la cierro la abro
la vuelvo a guardar.

Mi carita redondita
Tiene ojos y nariz
Y también una boquita
Para hablar y sonreir
Con los ojos veo todo
Con la nariz hago achiiis
Y con la boca yo como palomitas de maíz.

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