viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2015

Abejitas Class Week of Dec 21-25

Abejitas Class.
Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Mónica Guzmán.
12/21 to 12/23.
Theme of the Week: “My Family Traditions”.

Happy Holidays Abejitas Parents!

This week is going to be a short one. It’s time to celebrate with our family and stay warm at home.  I’m sure our babies will enjoy their extra family time.
This year has been a great year full of happiness and love. Thank you for being such amazing parents! Enjoy!

Song of the theme.

Canción “My Culture and Tradition”

Aquí en mi hermoso país.
Muchas tradiciones hay por mil.
Y hoy yo te quiero contar.
Lo que yo celebro en Sff.
4 de Julio,
Memorial Day
Accion de Gracias y Labor day.
Good Friday,
Fall Festival.
Marting Luther King.
Navidad y Año Nuevo.
Tradiciones por mil.

Start Words of the week.
Santa/ Santa.

Thank you for all your love and support.
Miss Lucy and Miss Monica.

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