viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015

Abejitas Class.
Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Mónica Guzmán.
9/28 to 10/02
Theme of the Week: My Body.

Dear Abejitas Parents,
Time flies! We are already at the end of September and with that, we are ending the topic: “My body”. The kids have learned about their body parts and our little ones know what they can achieve with their hands, feet, and, the most important body part for them, their mouths! They explore everything using their little mouths; this is how they get a taste of life! We hope you are all having as much fun as we are enjoying our amazing babies. Thank you for being the best parents in the whole world!

Song of the theme.
Mi Cuerpo!
Las partes de Mi cuerpo hoy yo voy a cantar.
Jugando con tus amigos cada parte moverás.
Comienzo con mis manitos con las que puedo abrazar
Con mucho amor a papito y luego a mi mamá.
Moviendo la cabeza yo digo sí o no,
Moviendo mi colita, bailando yo estoy.
Ya todos preparados pues vamos a aprender,
Las partes del cuerpo que tú vas a mover. (bis)
Piernas  y cabeza, pies brazos cuello y caderas.
Hombros, manos y rodillas, pies brazos y piernas. (bis)

Star Word of the week.
La boca/ The mouth .

Thank you for all your love and support.
Miss Lucy and Miss Monica

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