sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2014

************************************ Feliz Navidad / Merry Christmas ************************************

“Feliz Navidad”. “Merry Christmas”.

Abejitas Class

Mrs. Eliana Ventura and Mrs. Patricia Elescano
From December the 22nd to December 26th.

Theme of the Week: “Christmas Project”.

Dear Parents:
It’s the time to be jolly and I want to congratulate your children for their wonderful performance at our Holiday Party.
This short week we will be speaking, reading and singing about Christmas theme, we’ll make Christmas draws for Santa and fun activities including:

Stimulating our babies gross motor (Opening and closing their arms).
Building towers with soft blocks.
Massaging and exercising our little ones.
Playing with different textures.

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas. May this joyful season greet you with health and happiness.

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Song/ Canción de Navidad: Feliz Navidad

Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Próspero año y felicidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Próspero año y felicidad

I wanna wish you a merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a merry Christmas
From the bottom of my heart.
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Próspero año y felicidad.

Star Word of the Week:
El Reno/ the Reindeer

Please bring plenty weather appropriate clothes.
Please bring diapers and wipes.
Please write in the journal your baby’s last feeding and diaper change.

Important dates to Remember:
December 24th and 25th School is closed due to the Holidays.
December 26th  School is closed due to Teacher’s Work day

Thanks for your support, I will see you back on December 29th.

Mrs. Eliana 

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