viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

************************************** "Mi Cuerpo" - "My Body.” **************************************



SEPTEMBER 2nd TO 5th 2014



Hello parents,

This week we will be talking about “My body”. We will look in the mirror and see our face and body. We will be making some flowers with our hands and feet with paint. We will have a puppet show with farm animals, explore hard texture toys, smooth textures toys and look at different colored paper. We will continue to exercise our backs, our legs and our hands.  This week we will be sing song about part of our body. We have a fun week plan!


Azul                 Blue 

Ven                 Come on

Mas                More

Important dates:

We will be close on Monday the 1st in observation to Memorial Day.

Our Grandparents celebration is on Friday the 5th. The festivities begin at 10:00am.


 Please do not forget to put names and dates on the milk and baby food for infants.

Please fill out the top of your child’s journal daily.

Please remember to take your child’s sleep sack home on Friday to be washed and return on Monday.

Please make sure your child has diapers and wipes for the week.


Have a good day, thanks for your cooperation,

Miss. Eliana and Miss. Patricia

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

**************************************** "Mi escuela y Yo" - "My School and Me" ****************************************




AUGUST 25TH TO 29TH 2014

Dear Abejitas parents.

This week we will continue with the theme my school and I. During this week we're talking a bit about our school, sing sff! songs, getting to know the teachers and our environment. I am continuing to work with babies developments. This week we will be playing with the red scarf, discovering soft and hard objects. We  will also be touching different textures such as paper and fabrics.

"A baby is born with a need to be loved – and never outgrows it."


Hola                   Hello

Adios                 bye bye


Please remember to read and write every day in your childs journal their last change of diapers and last feeding.

Also remember to take home the blankets on  Friday and Monday bring it back in.

Please bring in extra clothes.

Please bring a family picture, and individual photos of babies.

Thank you very much and have a great day.

Ms. Eliana and Ms. Patricia.

viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014

**************************************** Welcome to our School Year 2014-2015. "Mi escuela y Yo" - "My School and Me" ****************************************

Dears Abejitas parent:

This week we will continue talking about  "My school and Me".  We will expand a little bit more their vocabulary, and we will visit every part of our school and our centers.

We will see and make activities with the red color. We will use some paint to make color prints.  Also, we will smell strawberries for a few minutes.

Words of the Week:

Rojo / Red
Uno / One
Hola / Hello
Ven / Come


  • Remember to bring the blanquet every Monday and take it every Friday
  • Remember to bring diapers and wipes, please.

Thanks for  you cooperation, 

Have a great week!

Ms. Eliana y Ms. Patricia.

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

****************************************Welcome to our School Year 2014-2015. "My School and Me" - "Mi Escuela y Yo"******************************************

Dears Abejitas parents.

This week we welcome our new school year, which will be very fun and interesting.

During this week we will be working on the transition, my teacher, my room, the staff, my park and my school. 

Words of the Week

Hola- Hello
Mama - Mom
Papa - Dad
Rojo - Red
Ven- Come

We also will work with the red color and welcome songs for our babies.


Please make sure we have extra clothes on the cubbie.
Read your journal and let us know any important thing about his routine at home.

Thank you very much for everything.

 Have a great day.

Mrs. Eliana and Mrs. Patricia.