viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016

People and Music around the world! Gente y Música alrededor del mundo.

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Mónica Guzman.
03/21th to 03/24th.
Theme of the Week: “Celebrating Easter. Easter Egg Hunt”.

Dear Parents!
One of my favorite American celebrations is Easter Day. I love to see, how exited the kids get about the Egg Hunt and how they put their treasures in the basket. Then I see how they share with each other,  and the kind Easter spirit fill us all. Our School always has a great celebration, we prepare a lot of the activities with the kids, and the Easter Bunny comes to have fun with us and help us find the eggs while we play outside! So this year if you have the time: to stop by: and spend some time enjoying our hunt with us, – that would be great!
We hope you all have a blessed week!

Start Word of the week.
El huevo/ The Egg.

Thank you for all your love and support.

Miss Lucy and Miss Mónica.

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016

“People and music around the world”.

Abejitas Class.
Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Mónica Guzman.
03/14th to 03/18th.
Theme of the Week: “People and music around the world”.
Dear Parents,
We hope you had a great week! We are enjoying this amazing weather, is an excellent time to spend with our little babies outside, letting theme interact with nature. This week, we’ll be talking about people and music around the world, so we’ll be teaching them a little bit about all the different culture and countries, including: their music, their clothes, etc. We’ll start telling them a little bit about our countries Cuba and Guatemala, hope you enjoy this subject too.
We will be preparing them for the International party, starting to listen the song we are going to dance, and to participate in the rehearsals.
Canción “Debemos decir solo La verdad.”
Las personas mayores me dicen
Oye que lindo y como canta!
Las personas mayores me dicen
Oye que lindo y como baila!
Como canta como baila ese chiquito!
Qué bonito, Que bonito!
Como canta, como baila ese bebe!
Qué bonito, que lindo se ve!
Pero ahora me van a escuchar,
Porque a los mayores voy a regañar!
Todos los días me asustan,
Con que va a venir el coco,
Y el viejo del saco,
Por comer muy poco!
Con el coco loco, con el Viejo del saco,
El Güije y la Bruja no me engañen más.
Debemos decir solo la verdad!
Que bonito! Que bonito!
Que digan que bailo como mi mamá!
Que bonito, que bonito!
Que digan que canto como mi papá!
Que bonito, que bonito!
Quieren que cante un poquitico?
Que bonito, Que bonito!
Start Word of the week.
El coco/ The coconut.

Thank you for all your love and support.

Miss Lucy and Miss Monica.

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016

“My Country”

Abejitas Class
Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Mónica Guzman
03/11th to 03/17th
Theme of the Week: “My Country”
Dear Parents,
We hope you are having a great week and enjoying your beautiful babies. They are growing up so fast and also learning a lot.
Next week we’ll be talking about the same topic, “My Country” while we learn about and admire incredible American history, culture,  and amazing landscapes. You can read books about American history with theme at home too – I’m sure they’ll admire it.

Happy birthday to our big boy, Ian! He’s turning one and leaving us to go to the Mariquitas classroom! Enjoy your big day Ian! We will miss you a lot!

Welcome Jemma and Camila! We are very happy to have you in our class.

Canción “Mi País”
Yo nací en un lindo país
Con 4 estaciones
2 mares azules
Montañas y por venir
yo soy feliz
Creciendo en este país
Aprendo respeto cuidado
y entrego lo mejor que hay en mí
En Sff! me enseñan muchas cosas de mi país
El respeto por mi amiguito
Me hace siempre un niño feliz (bis)
¡Que viva mi país!

Start Word of the week.
El águila/ The Eagle.

Thank you for all your love and support.

Miss Lucy and Miss Monica.