viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016

Abejitas Class
Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Mónica Guzman
02/29th to 03/04th
Theme of the Week: “My Country”
Welcome to March, Parents!
We hope winter goes early this week and we can enjoy a warm spring with all the rainy days and the thunder! Our kids really wans to spend more time outside enjoying nature and pure air!
The first topic we’ll learn about in March is “My Country.” We all live in a wonderful country, with amazing outdoor space, traditions, and, most of all, people! So let’s pass that wonderful news to our little ones. That way they can realize and understand, how blessed they are! We hope you have a great week!

Canción “Mi País”
Yo nací en un lindo país
Con 4 estaciones
2 mares azules
Montañas y por venir
yo soy feliz
Creciendo en este país
Aprendo respeto cuidado
y entrego lo mejor que hay en mí
En Sff! me enseñan muchas cosas de mi país
El respeto por mi amiguito
Me hace siempre un niño feliz (bis)
¡Que viva mi país!

Start Word of the week.
La Bandera/ The Flag.

Thank you for all your love and support.
Miss Lucy and Miss Monica.

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

Abejitas Class
Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Mónica Guzmán
02/22 to 02/26
Theme of the Week: “Science Fair”
Dear Parents,

We hope you are having a great time! This year is going by so fast! February is almost finished and March is around the corner!
This last week of February we’ll be working on experiments in our science fair. Our incredible kids have made a lot of projects and experiments.  To continue our science fun, we’ll prepare some sensory bottles for our Abejitas to play and experiment with. We’ll also be working with treasury baskets and discovery baskets!

We hope you take the time to visit the Science Fair exposition. I am sure you will love it you might even learn something new!
Have a great week!

Song of the Week

The children in Abejitas class enjoyed singing the song “Como funcionan las cosas”. Parents, please encourage your child to listen to this song at home too. It can be found on our Sff! CD.

Start Word of the week.
La Botella/ The Bottle.

Thank you for all your love and support.

Miss Lucy and Miss Monica.

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016

Abejitas Class
Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Monica Guzman
2/15th to 2/19th
Theme of the Week: “How things work”

Dear Parents!

We hope you all have a great week! Next week, we’ll continue talking about how things work! We’ll work on so many fun things, including: observing alarm clocks, singing, dancing, and being very happy! I will look forward to having a wonderful time full of hugs and love from our babies!

Song “Como funcionan las cosas”     

En el Auto de Papa
Nos iremos a pasear
La bocina tocara la cancion del tititi.
Vamos de paseo.

Start Words of the week.
El Reloj/ The Clock.
Thank you for all your love and support.
Miss Lucy and Miss Mónica.

viernes, 5 de febrero de 2016

Abejitas Class
Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Monica Guzman
2/8th to 2/12th
Theme of the Week: “How things work” - Happy Valentine’s Day!

Dear Parents,

Happy Valentine’s Day!
Oh, l’amour - it is the most amazing feeling we have inside of us, and the love that we feel for our children is unconditionally, huge, priceless, and eternal!
This week, we’ll continue with our theme from last week as a main subject. We’ll also be talking about the beautiful celebration that is Valentine’s Day! Our tender classroom is the perfect place to have a date with the love of your live: your beautiful baby! So please feel free to stop by for our classroom anytime you want and spent some quality time with your love.

Song of the Week

The children in Abejitas class enjoyed singing the song “Como funcionan las cosas”. Parents, please encourage your child to listen to this song at home too. It can be found on our Sff! CD.

Song “Como funcionan las cosas”    
En el Auto de Papa
Nos iremos a pasear
La bocina tocara la cancion del tititi.
Vamos de paseo.

Song “Te quiero yo”
Te quiero yo.
Y tu a mi.
Somos una familia feliz.
Con un fuerte abrazo
Y un besot e dire
Mi cariño es para ti!
Start Words of the week.
El Corazón/ The Heart.

Thank you for all your love and support.
Miss Lucy and Miss Mónica.