viernes, 29 de enero de 2016

Abejitas Class
Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Monica Guzman
2/1st to 2/5th
Theme of the Week: “How things work”

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the second month of the year - the month where we celebrate love! This month we’ll be talking about how things work! And even though it can sound like a complicated subject for babies, they can understand simple things, for example: wheel movements, where sounds come from, and also the relationship between action and reaction. This is how they know to use toys and make the music. So let’s make it interesting and fun! Thank you for being such and amazing parents!

Song of the Week

The children in Abejitas class enjoyed singing the song “Como funcionan las cosas”. Parents, please encourage your child to listen to this song at home too. It can be found on our Sff! CD.

Start Words of the week.
La Rueda/ the wheel.

Thank you for all your love and support.
Miss Lucy and Miss Mónica.

lunes, 25 de enero de 2016

Abejitas Class
Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Monica Guzman
1/25 to 1/29
Theme of the Week: “Art Fair”.

Dear Parents,

It’s amazing how time flies! We are already finishing January, and we want to finish big! Be ready to enjoy our amazing Art Fair, even though our babies don’t have a direct participation in this event they will be learning and admiring the art of others ! We’ll also listen to great music, and interact with some appropriate art expressions, like: pictures, musical instruments, sculptures. We’ll definitely won’t be eating paint like the baby in the picture!
Take a little tour with your little one through our art exhibition and have fun!
Have a great weekend!

Start Words of the week.
El pincel/ the brush.

Thank you for all your love and support.
Miss Lucy and Miss Mónica.

viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

Abejitas Class
Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Mónica Guzmán
1/19 to 1/22
Theme of the Week: “Means of Entertaiment”

Dear Parents,
We hope you are having a great week even though it’s getting very cold outside!
Our babies are growing up so fast, they are doing so many new things, and learning so many new words too.
This week we’ll be talking about entertainment media, so we’ll listening some music from movies and shows, and knowing some Disney characters. So let’s have some fun together!
Have a great week!

Song of the Week
Canción “A VOLAR”
The children in Abejitas class enjoyed singing the song "A VOLAR". Parents, please encourage your child to listen to this song at home too. It can be found on our Sff! CD.

Start Words of the week.
La Música/ The Music.

Thank you for all your love and support.
Miss Lucy and Miss Monica.

viernes, 8 de enero de 2016

Abejitas Class
Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Mónica Guzmán.
1/11 to 1/15.
Theme of the Week: “Means of Communication”.

Dear Abejitas Parents!

We hope you are having a great week! This week we’ll be talking about “Means of Communication,” which will be fun because our students love phones and radios and other communication equipment. We’ll let them explore and learn by playing. We will also work on their fine and gross motor skills and take some time to read and listen to stories as well.
Thank you for being such a great parents!                                                                          

Song of the theme
Canción “Means of Transportation”
The children in Abejitas class enjoyed singing the song "Medios de Transporte." Parents, please encourage your child to listen to this song at home too. It can be found on our Sff! CD.

Start Words of the week.
El telefono/ the phone.

Thank you for all your love and support.

Miss Lucy and Miss Monica.