viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

Abejitas Class Miss Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs.Monica Guzman

Abejitas Class

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Mónica Guzmán.
10/26 to 10/30.
Theme of the Week: My Family.

Dear Abejitas Parents,

We hope you had a great week! It’s the last week of October and our trees outside are turning more and more amazing colors - it’s really a unique season. Our babies are growing up healthy and getting stronger every day! There is a new princess in our Abejitas classroom, her name is Madeleine and she is going to be our youngest.  Welcome Madeleine! Your new friends and teachers are waiting for you!
Next week we’ll continue learning about our theme, “My Family.” Remember to bring family pictures. Thank you for your cooperation!
Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a happy week!

Song of the theme.
Mi familia!

Tengo una familia y es fenomenal
Mi papa me ama mi mama igual
Con mis hermanitos yo puedo jugar
Y mis abuelitos bailan sin cesar.(x2)
Con este chachacha
La familia aprenderás
Respeto a papa amo mi mama

Mi abuelo y mi abuela felices están
Esta es mi familia, es mi dulce hogar.
Chachachacha amo a mi mama
Chachachacha amo a mi papa (x2)

Start Words of the week.
El Papa/ The daddy.

Thank you for all your love and support.
Miss Lucy and Miss Monica.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

Abejitas Class.
Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Mónica Guzmán.
10/19 to 10/23.
Theme of the Week: My Family.

Hi Abejitas Parents!
We hope you had a great week! October is going fast, and our babies are growing a lot too. They are progressing every day more and more, which makes me so happy. They are loved and happy - we are very proud of them! This week we will be learning about our families and the members of our families. Please help us by bringing family pictures and pictures of you and your babies; the images help us to demonstrate our topic and make it easier to understand for the little kids.

Theme Song
Mi familia! 
Tengo una familia y es fenomenal
Mi papa me ama mi mama igual
Con mis hermanitos yo puedo jugar
Y mis abuelitos bailan sin cesar.(x2)
Con este chachacha
La familia aprenderás
Respeto a papa amo mi mama

Mi abuelo y mi abuela felices están
Esta es mi familia, es mi dulce hogar.
Chachachacha amo a mi mama
Chachachacha amo a mi papa (x2)

Star Words of the week.
La mama/ Mommy

Thank you for all your love and support.
Mrs. Lucy and Mrs. Monica.

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Mónica Guzmán.

Theme of the Week: “We get Active.”

Abejitas Class.

10/12 to 10/16

We hope you had a great week! For this week, we’ll be getting active. This cold October it’s going to make us move, and have fun. So shake it and work out with your little ones!

Song of the theme.

Mueve, Mueve, Mueve, mueve bien los pies

Mueve, mueve, mueve las cabeza ya.

Mueve mueve, mueve las rodillas bien.

Ponte Siempre activo vamos a jugar. (bis)

Start Words of the week.

Saltar/ Jump.

Thank you for all your love and support.

Miss Monica and Miss Lucy.

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

 Abejitas Class

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Mónica Guzmán.
10/05 to 10/09
Theme of the Week: My Feelings.

Dear Abejitas Parents,

October has begun! Our Columbus Day celebration is coming up, and so is our beautiful custom parade at the end of the month.

We are starting a new theme: “My Feelings.” Our little ones can’t handle their feelings very well yet, but they can express very well sadness or happiness.

We are welcoming a new princess to our classroom this week, Jade Warchal, a sweet and lovely one year old little girl.
Enjoy your week!

Theme Song

Ronda de los Sentimientos!      
Este Nuevo jueguito
Sé que te va a gustar
Prepara bien tu carita
Pues tu me vas a imitar.
Feliz, Feliz tu estas
Tu cara feliz estará
Este Nuevo jueguito…
Extrañas a tu mama.
Muy triste, triste tu estas!
Este Nuevo jueguito…
Un ruido extraño escuchas
Asustado tu te pondras!
Este Nuevo jueguito…
Helado papa no te da
Enojado tu te pondrás
Este Nuevo jueguito…
Y todos lo cantamos aqui en Spanish for fun!

Star Word of the week.
Feliz/ Happy

Thank you for all your love and support.